
2020-12-15 11:12:15 · 作者:编辑部  




  Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

  Section A

  Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

  When my son completes a task, I can't help but praise him. It's only natural to give praise where praise is due, right? But is there such a thing as too much praise?

  According to psychologist Katherine Phillip, children don’t benefit from _26_praise as much as we’d like to think. “Parents often praise, believing they are building their child’s self-confidence. However, over-praising can have a _27_ effect,” says Phillip. “When we use the same praise _28_, it may become empty and no longer valued by the child. It can also become an expectation that anything they do must be _29_ with praise. This may lead to the child avoiding taking risks due to fear of _30_ their parents.”

  Does this mean we should do away with all the praise? Phillip says no. “The key to healthy praise is to focus on the process rather than the _31_. It is the recognition of a child’s attempt, or the process in which they achieved something, that is essential,” she says. “Parents should encourage their child to take the risks needed to learn and grow.”

  So how do we break the _32_ of praise we’re all so accustomed to? Phillip says it’s important to _33_ between “person praise” and “process raise”. “Person praise is _34_ saying how great someone is. It’s a form of personal approval. Process praise s acknowledgement of the efforts the person has just _35_. Children who receive person praise are more likely to feel shame after losing,” says Phillip.

  A) choose

  B) constant

  C) disappointing

  D) distinguish

  E) exhausting

  F) experienced

  G) negative

  H) outcome

  I) pattern

  J) plural

  K) repeatedly

  L) rewarded

  M) separately

  N) simply

  O) undertaken


  26. B. 根据横线后的名词praise,可以判断此处缺少形容词。根据句意“孩子并不会像我们想象的那样从_____的赞扬中受益”, 所以选择答案B constant “经常的,不断的”。

  27. G. 根据横线前的不定冠词a以及后的名词effect,可以判断横线处应填形容词。根据句间逻辑,句首出现转折词however,说明前后句是转折的逻辑关系,句意会相反。前句说赞扬可以帮助孩子建立自信心,因此后句就要表达赞扬带来的不利影响。所以选择答案G negative“不利的”。

  28. K. 根据句子的”主谓宾结构,句子主要结构完整,因此可用副词对动词use进行修饰。根据句意“当我们重复使用相同的夸赞”,所以选择答案K repeatedly“反复地”。

  29. L. 根据句式结构,anything为主语,该空和must be构成谓语动词,这里with加名词praise表示从属关系。根据固定搭配be rewarded with 表示“得到……的奖赏”,所以答案为rewarded。

  30. C. 根据介词of后加v-ing形式,以及本句句意“这可能会导致孩子拒绝冒险,因为害怕令自己的父母失望”。所以选择答案disappointing令人失望的。

  31. H. 根据rather than前后词性要一致,相同部分可省略,所以rather than后要填入和process一样词性的名词,这里省略了focus on。根据句意“获得良好赞美的关键是专注于过程而不是_____”以及rather than前后表达含义不一致,所以选择答案outcome。

  32. I. 根据横线前后,得知缺少名词。该句要表达“那么我们该如何打破我们都习惯的赞美模式呢?”所以选择答案 pattern “模式”。

  33. D. 根据固定搭配distinguish between A and B “区分A和B”,以及句意 “区分对个人的称赞和对过程的称赞很重要” ,所以选择答案 distinguish “区分,辨别”

  34. N.此句的句子结构为主系表,因此可以填写副词对动词saying进行修饰。根据句意“对人的称赞仅仅是说这个人有多好”。所以选择答案 simply“仅仅,简单地,只不过”。

  35. O.根据句式结构,该句是一个省略连接词的定语从句,对先行词efforts进行修饰。在该从句中运用了现在完成时态,因此has 后要接动词的过去分词形式。根据对句意的理解,“对过程的表扬是对这个人所做的努力的肯定”,所以选择答案 undertaken“从事,承担”。




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