
2021-04-13 16:09:30 · 作者:编辑部  
历年英语四级口语考试真题(汇总)  今天的大学英语四级口语考试第四场是关于如何应对失败;想必大家对这个话题并不陌生,首先想到的会



  失败是在所难免的,天时地利人和三者兼具备时,方可成功。所以说,即使失败了,也没必要深深地自责。有句话怎么说来着,人生来不是被打败的,你可以杀死一个人,但你打不败他。英语中也有这样的一句话, what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger。二战时, 英国的首相丘吉尔曾说过,“Never, never, never give up!”这也正是我们应当面对失败所该采取的态度。锲而不舍,金石可镂。要记住,我们努力了,结果有可能是失败;但如果我们不努力,等待我们的必将是失败无疑。那么,就让我们持着一颗平常心去努力地向着自己的目标前进吧。

  Failure is inevitable, because only when all the basic aspects are ready and available can success fall upon us. Thus, even if we lose, there is nothing to fear, nor is there necessity to blame ourselves. Just as an old saying goes, what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger. During the World War II, British Premier Minister Churchill once said, “Never, never, never give up!”That’s the attitude that we should take when faced with failure. Constant dripping will wear away a stone. Keep it in mind: even we try, what waits for us can probably be failure; but if we don’t, we are doomed to be a loser. Then, we are advised to hold an peaceful mind, striving towards our goals.


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