
2021-04-13 16:09:56 · 作者:编辑部  
历年英语四级口语考试真题(汇总)  母亲节,在这一天我们送上的礼物无需多么贵重,重要的是,我们能借着这个契机去向生我们养我们的母


  母亲节,在这一天我们送上的礼物无需多么贵重,重要的是,我们能借着这个契机去向生我们养我们的母亲表达我们的感恩和关爱,这就足够了!在给母亲选礼物这件事情上,我们可以花点小心思去准备;比如说,有的妈妈喜欢穿戴和打扮,那么就可以给她买她喜欢的品牌的衣服或者化妆品;有的母亲喜欢美食,那我们可以拉着她去她喜欢的餐厅饱食一顿;又或者,母亲平时很辛苦,我们可以给她置办一张美容健身卡,让她在闲暇之余去放松一下。总而言之,不管我们准备的礼物是什么, 我们的母亲都会为有这么一个体贴孝顺的孩子而感到欣慰和自豪的!

  A: Hey, Kevin! Mother’s day is coming, have you prepared some gift for your mother?

  B: Hi, Lucy! Till now, I haven’t any idea about where to buy the proper gifts. Do you have any advice for me?

  A: Well, at present there are some options in my mind. For example, you can buy a bunch of flowers, or you can buy some cosmetics that your mom likes with your money.

  B: Good idea! I can go home to check my mother’s dresser to see whether there are some bottles near empty.

  A: You such a naughty girl! Do you mind accompanying me to go to the mall?

  B: It’s my pleasure. By the way, you can also give me some suggestions on the choice of gifts. After all, you do always have a good taste in fashion and its like.

  A: You flattered me so much! Let’s go!

  B: Let’s go!


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