
2021-04-13 16:18:48 · 作者:编辑部  
历年英语四级口语考试真题(汇总)  Describe the importance of having a budget   Planning a monthly budget is an e


  Describe the importance of having a budget.

  Planning a monthly budget is an extremely important exercise for students nowadays. Being rational to spend money will pay sooner or later. To build a list of monthly expenses is the first step. You have to know the difference between the fixed and variable expenses. It’s up to you how detailed this budget will be. In daily life, there are multiple things needing money, such as dating, tuition fees, haircuts, gifts, laundry, newspaper or magazines. At first, you may be at a loss, but if you stick on , eventually you will benefit from doing so. Overall, it’s good for us to develop into this habit. In the end, you will have certain amount of money at hand to meet the future requirement. In this sense, saving money is definitely significant.


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