
2021-04-13 16:19:16 · 作者:编辑部  
历年英语四级口语考试真题(汇总)  小组讨论:Language  1 hiring teachers  2 teaching materials  3 finding suitab



  1. hiring teachers

  2. teaching materials

  3. finding suitable place

  A:Hi, language is so important that we need to take it seriously, especially nowadays. English is one of my favorite subjects. Speaking or writing English well and frequently will definitely change our life.

  B:Yes, we need language to communicate with each other and express our emotion. So do you have some suggestions about language learning? I am so eager to learn language well.

  A:As for me, language learning is not simple. As a result, sometimes, we need to hire teachers to guide us in pronunciation and grammar. What’s more, some interesting foreign TV series also make contribution to our language learning.

  B: Well, in my mind, good teaching materials can help us learn and grasp the knowledge of language easily in class, such as, word cards.

  A:Yes, different kinds of teaching materials will bring more convenience in language learning. And I also believe that a good and suitable learning environment can contribute to our understanding about culture of the language.

  B: Culture is colorful, and I like to learn different culture and colorful history of language. If you want to learn more knowledge about culture, please come to our English corner and join us.

  A: Thank you for your invitation, let’s learn language together.


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