
2021-04-13 16:27:18 · 作者:编辑部  
历年英语四级口语考试真题(汇总)  本场对话的主题为帮助他人, 乐于助人是中华传统美德,随着社会的发展,帮助他人的方式也呈现出多


  本场对话的主题为“帮助他人”, 乐于助人是中华传统美德,随着社会的发展,帮助他人的方式也呈现出多样性。那么接下来,我们来看一下就“帮助”这一主题展开的一些常用的表述:

  Help Others

  As the old saying goes, helping others will benefit yourself as well. Therefore, I have always believed that helping those in need is a kind of virtue.

  There was a charity sale organized by our university last week. The purpose of the sale is to help those children living in poor areas by donating clothes, books or other useful things to them. When I learned that, I decided to appeal to my classmates and friends to take part in this event. We collected lots of clean clothes, schoolbags and prepared some stationery for those children. And I remember that many other schoolmates also participated in this charity sale actively. To be honest, what we did perhaps can not completely change the life of these children, but it was obvious that we all took pleasure in helping others.

  As a college student, we have the responsibility to carry forward the traditional virtues of our country. I firmly believe that our love and sincerity to those in need is like the warm sun in winter, which is helpful in the construction of the harmonious society.


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