
2015-07-31 11:53:13 · 作者:编辑部  
近年来,互联网教育大热,因为它的便捷,让你能够随时随地学习。那么你怎么看待互联网呢,它的利弊又在哪里呢?  Directions: For t...


  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay about my view on advantages and disadvantages of online education. You should state the reasons and write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


  The advantages and disadvantages of online education

  Being online is no longer something new or fresh in our life. To some extent, it hasbecome part of our daily life. We can do a lot of things online, such as searching for information and communicating with friends far away. Recently, online education has come into fashion.

  The popularity of online education is due to its outstanding advantages. Firstly, it breaks down the barrier between time and space. One can conveniently study at home by accessing the Internet via computers at any time. Secondly, instead of reading those dull textbooks, one can enjoy colorful images, nice sounds and fascinating videos online, which will arouse great interest in his study. However, the disadvantage of online education is obvious. Sometimes there is a lack of sufficient interaction between students and teachers due to bad internet connection.

  As the old saying goes, “Every coin has two sides.” It is true that online education is not well developed and has limitations. I still believe that with the further development of the Internet, online education will see a more promising future.

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