
2021-10-12 11:43:19 · 作者:编辑部  
一 数据对比用语:  1 … are similar in their range of indicators  2 …cause lead to a rapi


  1. … are similar in their range of indicators

  2. …cause / lead to a rapid / slow increase / decrease in the number / amount of…

  3. …cause …to drop…

  4. …climb dramatically from…to…

  5. …constitutes about…percent …

  6. …continue to rise / fall…

  7. …continue to widen / shorten…

  8. …declines to less than …percent.

  9. …drop / fall to as many / much / little as…

  10. …fall / rise / increase / decrease dramatically

  11. …fluctuates between…

  12. …grow only marginally from…to…

  13. …increase / decrease slowly

  14. …increase/ decrease lightly

  15. …is doubled

  16. …is inversely proportional to…

  17. …is significantly lower / higher than…

  18. …lead to an increased number / amount of…

  19. …level off / remain constant at…

  20. …lower the percentage of …

  21. …maintain approximately the same number of…

  22. …narrow down to…

  23. …occupy a greater percentage of…

  24. …peak / top at…

  25. …range from…to…

  26. …remain below…

  27. …rise / fall / increase / decrease sharply

  28. …rise above…

  29. …rise to approximately…

  30. …take up one third of…

  31. …times smaller / larger than…

  32. …totals / amounts to / reaches / arrives at / stays at…

  33. …varies greatly / slightly between…and…

  34. A very noticeable trend is the steady increase / decrease in…

  35. As is shown in / As can be seen from / According to ----the table / table /graph / pie chart / bar chart / figure / statistics /diagram shows /illustrates /describes / indicates / reveals that…

  36. It is clear / apparent from--- the table / graph / pie chart / bar chart / figure /

  37. it reached a peak of… statistics / diagram that…

  38. the number / amount of…consumed per head/ per person…

  39. The number of…remains stable.

  40. The number of…remains unchanged.

  41. The number tapers off.

  42. The percentage has been falling steadily.

  43. The percentage is less than that of …

  44. The table / graph / pie chart / bar chart(column graph) / figure / statistics shows...

  45. There are many variations in numbers of…

  46. There is a gradual increase / decrease …

  47. There is a large increase / decrease in…

  48. There is a reduction in…

  49. There is a significant increase/ rise in…

  50. There is a smaller percentage of …

  51. There is an obvious increase / decrease in…

  52. There is not a great deal of difference between the percentage of…

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