
2017-04-01 14:08:24 · 作者:编辑部  
2017年6月英语四级作文练习:私立学校  范文:Private School  With the development of the society and economy,various



Private School

  With the development of the society and economy,various private schools arise.When you read newspapers,turn on TV,or even walk on the road, you will inevitably see lots of advertisements about private schools,mainly dealing with foreign languages,computers,music,sports,and so on.

  However,is it a good or bad thing to have so many private schools? As a coin has two sides,so are the private schools.On the one hand, private schools can cater to the special need of the society and the special need of people.On the other hand,they often bring people extra burden because of comparison and competition.

  Were it left to me decide whether we should have a society without private.schools.or.asocietywithprivaie.schools,X.sfeould..QoLbesitate.a momenttopreferjhejlatter.

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