... has an ambivalence... it ... but ...
☞ 原文
▌The car has a curious ambivalence:it creates and then it destroys mobility. The car tempts people further out and then gives them the appalling problem of getting back. It makes them believe they can spend Sunday in Brighton, but makes it impossible for them to return before, say, two in the morning.
☞ 巧用
▌Women has a ambivalence when it comes to hunting for spouses: they hope that their future husband can be handsome. But they fear a handsome husband may attract too much attention and be seduced by other women.
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利弊说明是议论文中频繁采用的写作手段,其方式一般分为两种:一种是将优点和缺点分别罗列,构成比较的两大整块,即A, A, A…, B, B, B…型(A为优点,B为缺点,下同);另一种则是将优点、缺点交叉罗列,即上例使用的A,B,A,B…型。相对而言,后者条理更加清晰,读者更易理解。
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