1.……was set up two years ago.
2.The club organizes various activities regularly catering for the needs of…… and is well know among ……
3.We have ……every weekend and you can practice your ……with……
4.In addition,……are invited to give lectures on occasion(不时地)
5.A lot of benefits are responsible for(作为……的理由)your joining us,……hence(因此无逗号)……
6.Besides you can……with more ease.
7.……was successfully held in Beijing, China, 2008,which attracted the whole world`s attention more than ever before.
8. China won 51 gold medals , accounting for almost 17% of the total 302.
9.I`m deeply moved and inspired by the……spirit.
10.Life is a journey full of competitions and challenge , …… will definitely drive me along the way.
11.proceed with 开始
12.They write blogs to record their everyday life, to describe their emotions and feelings and to make new friend from all over of the world.
13.They say blogs are like traditional diaries ,so blogs not only provide an outlet for the students' emotions, but also provide a channel of communication for the young.
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