e.g. But while we all have this need for attachment, the way we show it differs. 然而尽管我们都拥有这种依恋需要,但是我们表现出来的方式是不一样的。
e.g. This field determines where to display the event on the calendar. 该字段决定了在日程表的什么地方显示事件。
e.g. I can cite quite a few instances to illustrate. 我可以举出好几件事来说明。
e.g. But he needs to exhibit a far more explicit sense of personal responsibility for his work. 但是他还需要展示一种更加明确的对个人工作的责任感。
e.g. If you cannot describe your product in one sentence, you cannot sell it. 如果你不能一句话描述你的产品,它就卖不出去。
e.g. She depicted the situation to me in great detail. 她向我详尽地描述了形势。
e.g. A selection of cosmetic companies will be there to demonstrate their new products. 一些化妆品公司会在那里展示他们的新产品。
e.g. The issues on your mind unfold clearly, as if they were in slow motion. 你的心结就像是慢动作似的在你的面前清晰地展开。
point to the fact that...
e.g. All of these indicators point to the fact that the Chinese economic story is unsustainable. 这些数据都指明了一个事实,那就是中国经济神话正在变得不稳定。
e.g. We want to expose the kids to as much art and culture as possible. 我们想让孩子们尽量受到艺术和文化熏陶。
have / get access to
e.g. If students do not have access to weapons, then they are less likely to use them in school. 如果学生们没有接触过武器,那么他们在学校里使用他们的可能性就小一些。
e.g. It depends on where you are and what you can get access to. 这取决于你所在的位置以及你可以使用的网络。
e.g. I applaud your decision. 我赞成你的决定。
e.g. No one would look with favor on the continuing military rule. 没有人会支持继续的军事统治。
e.g. We advocate strict control of pollution to protect environment. 我们主张严格控制污染以保护环境。
in favor of
e.g. Some people are in favor of reform, and others have concerns. 一些人赞同进行改革,而另一些人心存疑惑。
be side with
e.g. I think a life of man grows during unceasing learning and we should respect and be side with the person who has the will of learning. 我不认为这样的学习想法是不对的,我认为人的一生是在不断的学习中成长的,只要人们有学习的愿望,它们都应该受到尊重和支持。
in agreement with
e.g. The responses to this post are mostly in agreement with Gilad's points. 文章的读者回复大多数都同意Gilad的观点。
go for
e.g. I tried to work hard and do all the right stuff but it just didn't seem to go for me. 我尽力去刻苦努力,做所有正确的事情,但是似乎就是不适合于我。
e.g. 52.5% of those questioned said they'd vote Republican. 52.5%的受访者说他们将投票支持共和党。
proponent 支持者
e.g. Halsey was identified as a leading proponent of the values of progressive education. 哈尔西被认为是进步教育价值观的首要支持者。
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