
2017-07-10 15:23:30 · 作者:编辑部  
新东方在线英语四级频道为大家整理了历年大学英语四级作文题目及范文,方便大家复习时参考,预祝大家高分通过大学英语四级考试。  历



  The Most Impressive Classmate in My College

  Without question, Lisa is the person who has influenced my college life most. She is my classmate, who always leaves a deep impression on you by demonstrating her passion for life and the spirit of never yielding, even in the face of extreme challenges. She is the most courageous person I have ever known。

  During my college years, it is Lisa that kept teaching me how to live through setbacks in the life journey. I’ll never forget that when I failed in my English examination and I felt overwhelmed, Lisa taught me that failure teaches success, everyone had to persevere and face up to innumerable setbacks, as long as I face my problems bravely, I would create my own wonderful life . With her help , I finally gained the confidence and passed the exam。

  Thanks to Lisa, I have learned the importance of courage, which is the indispensable characteristic in my life. She also let me know the importance of confidence. It means a lot to me and still in my head till this day。


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