
2021-10-13 19:43:25 · 作者:编辑部  
2019年12月英语四级考试即将开始,新东方在线小编整理了2019年12月英语四级写作模板,供参考。  一 社会热点类框架:两代关系  Th


  一 社会热点类框架:两代关系

  This picture reveals a not-uncommon phenomenon of ______. When they are too old to take care of themselves, the elders become burdens to be kicked around by their sons and daughters, a pitiful and unjust sight that will arouse indignation among many Chinese.

  As a nation renowned in the world for many of its virtues, the Chinese people have been practicing filial piety throughout history. Those who try every means to avoid their duties of looking after their parents should bear in mind that they are much indebted to their parents for their rearing. Without the loving care and selfless devotion of their parents, how could they have grown up healthily and become successful? How could it be possible for them to maltreat their parents without the pricks of conscience?

  Everyone of us should live up to the virtues passed on from our ancestors. Only in this way can we be worthy of the name of Chinese.






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