
2021-10-13 19:43:47 · 作者:编辑部  
2019年12月英语四级考试即将开始,新东方在线小编整理了2019年12月英语四级写作模板,供参考。  图表作文框架  As is illustrate



  As is illustrated in the chart/diagram/graph/table, the number of ______(主题词) is roughly/approximately______(数据) in ______(时间). Obviously/Apparently, the number of ______(主题词) has been on a dramatic rise/decrease over the past few years.

  What accounts for the change/difference? From my perspective, at least three factors contribute to it. To begin with, the change is closely related to the rising income of Chinese people. More importantly, the change has a lot to do with the turning of people's attitude towards and outlook on life. Last but not least, the change is enhanced and promoted by the government's better policies as well as the more convenient channels in the ______ field.

  As the society further develops, the rising/declining trend is bound to continue for a couple of years in the near/forthcoming future. As far as I am concerned, it is a positive/negative trend and should be stimulated/controlled, since it is beneficial not merely to individuals but to the whole society.





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