1. 使用非谓语动词形式
We were surrounded by a variety of buildings. We found ourselves deeply absorbed in the sight. After the visit, we left the park and we felt joyful.
→Surrounded by a variety of buildings, we found ourselves deeply absorbed in the sight. After the visit, we left the park feeling joyful.
2. 使用with的复合结构
with的复合结构, 也就是独立主格结构,常作伴随状语以增加被描绘内容的生动性,使文章读起来更简洁明了。
I could not go on studying because there was so much noise troubling me.
→I could not go on studying with so much noise troubling me.(2004广东卷)
3. 使用复合句
① Occasions are quite rare when I have the time to spend a day with my kids. (2008山东卷)
② It is our belief that improvements in environment will contribute to the development of our society.
③ Additionally, as the data shows, there are roughly 350 million smokers in China, 75% of which are males while 25% are females. What amazes us is that around 540 million people are affected by second hand smoke. (2010广东高考考场作文)
4. 使用倒装句, 强调句, 虚拟语气等
He did not know what had happened until he had read the news in the newspaper.
→It was not until he had read the news in the newspaper that he knew what had happened. (强调句)
→Not until he had read the news in the newspaper did he know what had happened. (倒装句)
综合使用以上句式, 长短句结合,可以增强句子的连贯性和表现力。
① 帮助他学习数学, 对我来说也是一个显摆自己的机会。
Here was a chance for me to distinguish myself by helping him learn maths.
(练习表达distinguish oneself )
② 虽然做好了失败的准备,我仍然感到伤心并决定抓住每一分钟更加努力提高我的英语。
Prepared for the failure, I still felt upset and decided to work even harder to seize every minute to improve my English.
(练习过去分词作状语;表达seize every minute to do sth. )
③ 被她的耐心所感动,我对自己的粗鲁行为感到尴尬并决定学做有耐心的人,这有助于我与同学、朋友和父母很好地相处。
Moved by her patience, I felt embarrassed for my rude behavior and decided to learn to be a patient person, which helps me get along well with my classmates, my friends and my parents.
④ 只有把竞争和合作相联合,才能有助于我们达到目标并满足自身需求。
Only when competition combines with cooperation can it help in obtaining our goals and satisfying our needs.
(练习倒装句;表达obtain one?蒺s goal, satisfy one?蒺s needs)
第二条途径就是记语块。语块就是一些能表达一定意义的语料。实际上,学生在写作的时候,最主要的还是不会表达,“肚里没料”。平时不能孤立地记单词,应该记表达。比如关于A Healthy Life 这一话题,同学们可以整理并创编以下语块:
① 我长寿而且精力充沛,要归功于我的健康生活 my long and active life must be due to the healthy life
② 年纪大了仍然很活跃remain active even in old age
③ 更注重健康饮食的重要性pay more attention to the importance of a healthy diet
④ 随着对……更深入的了解with a better understanding of ...
⑤ 当代社会的主要趋势the major trends in contemporary society
① 看图说话/写话
新课标的教材图文并茂,为看图说话的练习提供了丰富的素材,可充分利用。比如已知话题Women of Achievements时, 可根据自己所了解的有关宋庆龄的情况,作出如下叙述:
Song Qingling was considered to be one of the greatest women in the world. She married Dr. Sun Zhongshan in 1915. She was the vice president of the People's Republic of China for many years. The impression she makes on me is that she has made so great contributions to the Chinese revolution that all Chinese people love her.
② 缩写
③ 仿写
仿写既可以降低写作难度,又可以学以致用。当同学们掌握了对地理位置的描述,对气候、环境、资源、历史以及人口、风俗习惯的描写,学会了对有关国家、城市、旅游景点描写的写作方法, 就可以仿写自己所熟悉的某个城市的概况,并以一个导游的身份介绍给外宾。
④ 评写
⑤ 串写
(1) With the development of science and technology, China is facing a lot of problems with the environment...
(2) The city of Guangzhou lies in the south of China, which is famous as a commercial center and green city. But in my view the environment...
(3) As a native of Guangzhou, I am concerned about the environment here very much. I have thought of a plan to make our city more beautiful...
⑥ 练习写周记、日记
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