Write a composition entitled On College Societies. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese.
On College Societies
Walking on campus, you always find that you are surrounded by enonnous posters for college societies. There are various organizations catering for students' different interests, sucb as Football Club, tbe Guitar Society, the Pop Music Society, and Society of photograpbers, and the Volunteer's Society, etc.
The reason why some students are so entbusiastic about college societies is mainly that they can obtain what they can't get from classrooms. Moreover, in tbe societies, students will develop their interests and talents, and gain opportunity to communicate with others, which can help them grow into men or women of all-round development.
Taking all tbe above into consideration, I think it is advisable for students to participate in some societies. Out-of-class activities can help them relax after hard work and add enjoyment and excitement to their campus life. Besides, college societies provide students with opportunities to contact witb more people and prepare tbem for life outside campus. Apart from outstanding acadernic acbievements, the modem society requires of young students many qualities, such as being cooperative, innovative, responsible and the students' participating in college societies is a practical approach for their comprehensive development.(188 words)
enonnous [i'nɔ:rməs] adj.巨大的,庞大的
participate [pa:r'tisipeit] v.参加,参与
cater for 迎合
outstanding [aut'stændiŋ] adj.杰出的,突出的
enthusiastic [in,θu:zi'æstik] adj.热情的
innovative ['inəveitiv] adj.创新的,革新的
all-round [,ɔ:l'raund] adj.全面的
comprehensive [,ka:mpri'hensiv] adj.全面的,广泛的
take into consideration 顾及,考虑到……
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