2022年12月英语四级作文经典范文:A Letter in Reply to a Friend

2022-11-17 12:00:54 · 作者:编辑部  

  英语四级写作备考的过程中,要注意星级词汇、短语的积累,考前可以背诵一些优秀范文。下面是找大学在线英语四级频道给大家分享的2022年12月英语四级作文经典范文:A Letter in Reply to a Friend,大家可以作为学习的参考。

  2022年12月英语四级作文经典范文:A Letter in Reply to a Friend

  A letter




  A Letter in Reply to a Friend

  Dear friend:

  I am very glad to learn that you'd like to apply for admission to my university.

  Since you are good at argumentation and debate, I strongly recommend that you major in law. So far as I know, you are an upright dynamo always ready to defend for the wronged people and let justice prevail. On the other hand, you seem to be a keen observer and analyst. You really have the makings of a good lawyer.

  Now I should (like to) mention some important points you should pay attention to. First of all, you should exert yourself to get high scores in the coming college Entrance Examination, for laws is a very popular major in our university. There is fierce competition in the enrollment of newcomers. In addition to the routine preparation for the exam, it is necessary to have a sound body for your sound mind to dwell in. Go over all your lessons and read some books about law, and you will be more confident of your getting enrolled.

  Just try your best, and you will give full expression to your talent in the future.

  Good luck!



  以上是找大学在线英语四级频道小编为大家带来的“2022年12月英语四级作文经典范文:A Letter in Reply to a Friend”,希望考生们都能备考顺利,取得出色的成绩!

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