2022年12月英语四级作文经典范文:A letter to the University...

2022-11-17 05:00:30 · 作者:编辑部  

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  2022年12月英语四级作文经典范文:A letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus

  A letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus


  January 12. 2002

  Dear Mr. President,

  My name is Li Ming. I am a sophomore of the law school. As the school year is drawing to a close, I venture to write a letter to you about the canteen service on campus which has given rise to much complaint among students.

  The focus of the complaint is the poor quality of the food. The rice is just like bullets and the buns are like hand grenades. They are too hard for us to chew. And the vegetables are so overcooked as to lose their nutrients. The fish and meat are not given full measure. The only thing we are satisfied with is the free soup. However, the price of the food is surprisingly high. If we have 3 meals all in the canteen, at least twelve yuan is gone to keep our body and soul together. As a result, many of us go out to have meals.

  Honestly speaking, the dining environment has been improved, with the wall painted and some Chinese calligraphy works posted up. But there are only two canteens on the campus. As the number of students is ever increasing, there is not enough space and seats to allow us to have our meals there. The attitude of the service staff to the students is not hospitable at all.

  All in all, there is still much room for improvement as far as the canteen service is concerned. I hope we will not suffer for another two years.

  Best regards.

  Sincerely Yours

  Li Ming

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