2022年12月英语四级作文经典范文:The Tape Recorder

2022-11-17 10:00:48 · 作者:编辑部  

  英语四级写作备考的过程中,要注意星级词汇、短语的积累,考前可以背诵一些优秀范文。下面是找大学在线英语四级频道给大家分享的2022年12月英语四级作文经典范文:The Tape Recorder,大家可以作为学习的参考。

  2022年12月英语四级作文经典范文:The Tape Recorder

  The Tape Recorder

  The tape recorder is one of the most welcome and popular electronic devices ever invented. For example, it can reproduce sounds quite well, which are hardly distinguishable from the original. Besides, it is very handy and can be carried around. Furthermore, tape recorders are not so expensive as color TV sets or video-tape players, so most families can afford them. Therefore, the tape recorder is liked by everyone and has entered most homes.

  This device is useful in many ways. For example, it is used by people to play music and thus gives them a lot of pleasure. Another example is that it is an effective aid for learning a foreign language. It may also serve as a useful tool for many professionals such as reporters and policemen and enables them to work efficiently.

  However, it can also become a nuisance. Some youngsters play the tape recorder late at night and therefore disturb their neighbours' rest. Some shop-owners use it to attract customers and they often play music so loudly that customers feel very annoyed with it. Thus, the tape recorder should be put to good use.

  以上是找大学在线英语四级频道小编为大家带来的“2022年12月英语四级作文经典范文:The Tape Recorder”,希望考生们都能备考顺利,取得出色的成绩!

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